Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeSharktankbangladeshNavin Ahmed: From Makeup Artist to Esteemed Chair on Shark Tank Bangladesh

Navin Ahmed: From Makeup Artist to Esteemed Chair on Shark Tank Bangladesh

Meet Navin Ahmed, whose name isn’t only famous for her killer makeup skills, but also for her entrepreneurial genius. Now, she’s about to shake things up as a Shark on Shark Tank Bangladesh.

Our girl Navin got her start in the beauty game the old fashion way. She was a student at Sheridan College, Canada, where she earned a degree in Cosmetics Techniques and Management. With her new know-how, she flew back to Dhaka to show the world what she’s got. It all started with a single room where her main focus was bridal makeovers – her true passion.

That one room didn’t remain a one-room show for long though. With lots of sweat, tears, and fabulous makeup looks, it transformed into a grand makeover studio that combined next-level techniques with a keen eye for beauty. Then, in 2017, she took things to a new level by opening a specialized salon for bridal makeovers and spa services.

But Navin is more than just a super talented makeup artist. She’s also a sharp-minded entrepreneur. Raised in a family of business-savvy people, she’s all about investing not just in business, but in people. She believes in helping others flourish and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Of course, we can’t forget to mention one of her most important roles – being a mom to two kiddos. Despite her busy schedule, she juggles her work and personal life like a pro.

From a makeup artist to the big chair on Shark Tank Bangladesh, Navin’s journey is one for the history books. She’s ambitiously looking forward to supporting budding businesses and discovering fresh entrepreneurial ideas.

To Navin, joining Shark Tank Bangladesh is not just about doing business; it’s about the thrill, the anticipation, and the unlimited opportunities coming her way. The world of business is enthusiastically waiting, knowing full well that Navin is about to turn things up a notch. Let’s watch and see how the magic unfolds!



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