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HomeSharktankbangladeshMeet the CEO of Enchanted Events: Sausan Khan Moyeen

Meet the CEO of Enchanted Events: Sausan Khan Moyeen

Sausan Khan Moyeen’s journey is one that is both exciting and inspiring. Growing up in a joint family, she absorbed a wealth of experiences and interactions, which have helped shape her understanding of complex dynamics. An understanding, she has been able to apply in her successful career. She initially ventured into the world of arts and architecture, seeking an education at university. However, it was during these formative years that she discovered her true passion – event management.

Sausan took her newfound passion and converted it into an enterprise that is now known as Enchanted Events. Within the span of just over a decade, she has served as the CEO and organized more than 2500 events. This is a testament to her leadership abilities and dedication. On any given day, Enchanted Events employs between 300 to 400 individuals, meaning the livelihoods of hundreds are influenced by the company’s success.

In 2011, Sausan faced an event of life-altering magnitude—a stroke. She was diagnosed with a genetic medical condition. However, Sausan chose to mold her adversity into a stepping-stone. She learned to live positively with her condition, fortifying her spirit with resilience—an often-utilised attribute in her role as founder and CEO of Enchanted Events.
Despite her incredibly busy schedule, Sausan has never lost sight of what truly matters – people. She values the uniqueness of every individual, takes interest in their history, their strengths, and their passions. This human-centric approach has undoubtedly played a significant role in her success.

On the horizon is a thrilling new role for Sausan. She has been chosen to be a ‘shark’ in the first season of Shark Tank, a platform that allows entrepreneurs to pitch their business ideas in hopes of securing investment. While this will surely be a new challenge, it’s one that Sausan is eager to experience. She’s looking forward to finding the perfect match from among the pitches, a venture that she can support with her skills and experience.

To sum up, Sausan Khan Moyeen is a dynamic leader, guided by her love for people and her passion for her work. With her at the helm, the future looks bright for Enchanted Events and all who are part of its journey.



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